Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

4 Subjects

Unit I Reflection Paper

Unit I Reflection Paper

Q Earning a doctoral degree means you are an expert or a “near-expert” in a domain. In which domain do you have most academic expertise? Accounting? Finance? Marketing? Management? Reflect upon your academic journey from undergraduate student to graduate student and discuss your academic expertise. Describe how your expertise relates to business administration, and describe how you plan to enhance this expertise during your doctoral journey. Your submission should be a minimum of one page in length.

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I have academic expertise in the domain of management. The role of the University cannot be ignored or overlooked at all in my journey from undergraduate to the graduate. I have learned several facts regarding management and have come to know that it is the management that I can use in my future while preparing for my career. My academic journey was not easy at all. Initially, I was very much confused regarding the subject of management. As I hardly had any factual and strong idea about it before, therefore, I was a little bit scary as well. However, the course structure and the professor helped me a lot with my fear and at present, I have identified that the domain that excites me a lot is nothing but management.